Bespoke fencing and wildlife

Parsons & Sons pride themselves on protecting wildlife and keeping traditional crafts alive.

Caring and considering the environment is a meaningful message that has been close to the hearts of each of the five generations in the Parsons family. Considering endangered species at all times, such as water vowels is of paramount importance to Parsons & Sons and operating in an environmentally-friendly nature is something they pride themselves on.

From a large-scale riverbank restoration project to bespoke fencing, whatever the scale of the project, Parsons & Sons has the environment and its protection at top priority.

How do Parsons & Sons protect the environment?

  • Well laid hedges can last indefinitely, providing a healthy hedge and prolonging the usefulness of the plants and creating a more effective boundary and wildlife haven.
  • Once a hedge has been laid it lets in light and encourages new growth. This process attracts beetles, shrews, voles and birds back to an ecosystem.
  • Once the new light is let in, it encourages the growth of an array of flowers.
  • Hedge laying is beneficial for many species of mammals, birds and insects. When we lay a hedgerow, this allows the light in and new growth will appear, thickening the hedge and allowing the eco system to flourish.
  • We have completed many projects which help deter river bank erosion as well aiding the protection of species like the water vole, which is on the critical list. They are disappearing at an alarming rate and have many predators including stoat, mink, fox, kestrel to name but a few. Water voles are a fully protected species as the decline has been said to be as rapid as that of the Black Rhino in east Africa.


